Kadaan's ZombieMUD Stuff v.3


Newbie Guide
Character Creator



In this room you can specialize in different ways of fighting and
different types of weapons. Weapon specializations are:
                            and Ancients
You can choose a weapon specialization with:
                            'weapon_specialization <type>'
You can also master either defense or offense. To choose
one of them just type 'specialize <defense/offense>.

Defensive way offers the following skills:
Shield reflect
and Master berserker

Offensive way offers the following skills:
7th attack
Organ knowledge
Shield stun
and Hell howl

Once you have chosen a specialization you can change it
with change <specialization> to <new specialization> but
it will cost you 500k gold and all your related mastery
skills will be lost permanently. I.e if you switch from
offensive to defensive all your offensive mastery skills
will drop to 0. If you change from swords to bludgeons all
your sword points will be lost but offensive/defensive points
will remain the same. All the skills save over reincarnation
and other major changes in your character. The minimum level
of 45 is required in the fighter guild for the skills to work
and it is rumored that being in subguilds enhances the   
probability even more. Once you have chosen your specializations
you can enter the rooms to your west, north and east according
to what you have specialized in. In these rooms you can spend
points which are gained through combat to train the mastery
skills. You can't gain combat points by fighting with players
because of the possible abuse. The monsters you fight need to
be over certain level for you to be able to gain combat points.

The ones who take defense will gain defensive points and the
ones who take offensive will gain offensive. You can't use or
succeed in skills of the way you haven't specialized in. Your
guilditem will offer more information on the mastery skills and
show how high your skills are. The weapon specializations can
use either offensive or defensive points so both classes can
use their points in that room. The weapon specialization room
is to your north, defensive to west and offensive to east.
It is obvious that some of the skills like Shield reflect and
Shield stun work only when you are wearing a shield. It should
also be noted that defensive combat points can only be gained
when fighting with monsters while wearing a shield and offensive
combat points only when wielding weapon/weapons. The monsters you
need to fight with in order to gain points are fairly big, so
partying is suggested. Maxing these skills is supposed to take
very long time due to their power, so don't expect to gain hundreds
of points in short period of playing. If you're specialized in
offensive way it should also be noted that fighting with same
weapons for long periods of time raises your change of gaining
points, as you get 'familiar' with your weapons. Feel free to
unwield your weapons etc, it doesn't affect as long as the weapons
you are using are the same all the time. Also strikes/slashes/
mutilates etc etc raise your change of gaining combat points.
Following skills affect the speed which you will gain offensive
combat points: strike, attack, leftwield, slash, mutilate, whirlwind
attack, brawl, dirty blow, spot weakness and low blow.
Following skills affect the speed which you will gain defensive
points: dodge, parry, inner strength, berserk and ignore pain.

© 1999-2004 David Ashman "Kadaan"
Contact: kadaan@hotmail.com