Kadaan's ZombieMUD Stuff v.3


Newbie Guide
Character Creator



  Sprits rock! Even after the notorious Waaar tune, they still kick
butt. They won't tank, but they blast monsters and do a lot of damage.

Making a Spirit:
1. Make a corpse about 200-300kg
2. Enchant it
3. Cast 'call spirit' at it
4. Done!

You can make it bigger by getting another big corpse and casting
enlarge spirit' at the spirit with the corpse on the ground in the
room. Spirits max out at about a 200kg corpse at 100% call spirit.

Spirit Info:
The initial spirit sucks. You have to give it some of your spell points
using 'spdon <amount>'. So spdon 100 will donate 100 sps to your
spirit. 'spdon all' will give it all your current sps. The more sps you
give it, the bigger it gets. The bigger it gets, the more damage it
does (who woulda guessed?). The order is Tiny, Small, (normal), Large,
Enourmous, HUGE. The better corpse you used for your spirit and the
better your skills are, the more sps the spirit will gain when you

Using your Spirit:
'sphit <target>' is about all you need to know. It takes a couple
rounds to go off, and it will put you into combat with the monster, so
it's best to use it once or twice to finish off a monster. Each time
you use it, your spirit looses some sps, so make sure to donate more
sps when you use it.
© 1999-2004 David Ashman "Kadaan"
Contact: kadaan@hotmail.com