Kadaan's ZombieMUD Stuff v.3


Newbie Guide
Character Creator



[Guild Info | Level Info]

Directionscs> 15 w;20 sw;14 sw;17 w;road;4 n;building
back> outside;5 s;17 e;20 ne;15 e;8 ne;10 n

        Paladins are holy warriors who fight for what they
feel is good and righteous.  They are the hand of god in this
world and subject to divine intervention when unloyal to their
faith.  Paladins study a unique combination of battle skills
with cleric-based spell casting intertwined.
NOTE: Not all races may be able to become primary paladins.
      Ajoatlings, Devils, Drow, Golems, Imps, Kobolds, Merrow
      and Mind Flayers need not apply.
NOTE: Paladins are not allowed to join monks,samurais,necromancer,
      sorcerer, warlocks or death knights.
hps sps str dex con int wis cha hpr spr resists
Knights_hospitalar (15)7575002505000355phys 5pois
Knights_inquisitor (15)01500002550003510fire
Knights_templar (15)150030202500003510phys
Paladin Help Filespal_shield - Shield ranks and associated stats.
pal_surcoat - Different descs you can get on a surcoat.
Paladin Skill/Spell Tables
| Skill:                                 |  | % |Max|Exp: | $: |
| attack                                 | 5|  0|100|  975|   0|
| consider                               | 5|  0|100|  100|   0|
| first aid                              | 5|  0|100|  450|   0|
| weapon skill 1h sword                  | 5|  0|100|  225|   0|
| weapon skill 2h sword                  | 5|  0|100|  225|   0|
| zapping                                | 5|  0|100|  100|   0|
| appraise                               | 6|  0|100|  100|   0|
| hear noises                            | 9|  0|100|  100|   0|
| skill that saves sp                    |14|  0|100|  100|   0|
| tinning                                |14|  0|100|  100|   0|
| bash                                   |17|  0|100| 1500|   1|
| stun                                   |22|  0|100| 1500|   1|
| prayer                                 |25|  0|100|  300|   0|
| doublehit                              |32|  0|100|  375|   0|
| parry                                  |34|  0|100|  10k|   7|
| shield fighting                        |34|  0|100| 3000|   2|
| leadership                             |35|  0|100|  375|   0|
| essence eye                            |39|  0|100|  100|   0|
| riposte                                |39|  0|100|  10k|   6|
| whirlwind attack                       |43|  0|100| 1050|   0|
| bless                                  |45|  0| 75| 7500|   5|
| critical                               |45|  0|100| 4500|   3|
| inner strength                         |45|  0| 65| 407k| 271|
| quick chant                            |45|  0| 65| 1500|   1|
| Total:  24  |

| Spell:                                 |  | % |Max|Exp: | $: |
| darkness                               | 5|  0|100|  100|   0|
| light                                  | 5|  0|100|  100|   0|
| detect alignment                       | 6|  0|100| 1500|   1|
| cure light wounds                      | 8|  0|100|  225|   0|
| create food                            |18|  0|100|  375|   0|
| dispel curse                           |20|  0|100|  225|   0|
| cure serious wounds                    |22|  0|100|  450|   0|
| flamestrike                            |22|  0|100|  450|   0|
| shield of protection                   |22|  0|100|  600|   0|
| word of recall                         |30|  0|100| 1500|   1|
| cure blindness                         |32|  0|100|  375|   0|
| cure critical wounds                   |32|  0|100|  675|   0|
| dimension door                         |32|  0|100| 1200|   0|
| dispel undead                          |32|  0|100|  900|   0|
| white orb                              |32|  0|100|  150|   0|
| cure disease                           |34|  0|100|  750|   0|
| remove poison                          |34|  0|100|  675|   0|
| lesser fire invulnerability            |39|  0|100| 2025|   1|
| lesser magical invulnerability         |39|  0|100| 2025|   1|
| dispel evil                            |43|  0|100| 1125|   0|
| enlightenment                          |43|  0|100|  675|   0|
| holy hand                              |43|  0|100| 1425|   0|
| remove scar                            |43|  0|100|  100|   0|
| shelter                                |43|  0|100|  375|   0|
| armour of god                          |45|  0|100| 1500|   1|
| feather weight                         |45|  0|100|  525|   0|
| holy glow                              |45|  0| 50| 3750|   2|
| Total:  27  |
© 1999-2004 David Ashman "Kadaan"
Contact: kadaan@hotmail.com